How Does Django Generate Secret Key
Nov 14, 2014 Although the manual configuration of the SECRETKEY is inherent to the administration of Django-based systems, I recommend that either the SECRETKEY defintion is removed in this repository ('Django will refuse to start if SECRETKEY is not set.' ), and/or an installation script will prompt the user to enter one. Jul 07, 2013 It will look for an existing secret key in and if it does not find one, then it will generate and save one into when the settings file is used. # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! Import sys def findorcreatesecretkey: ' Look for and return the SECRETKEY entry in it if the file.
'' |
Pseudo-random django secret key generator. |
- Does print SECRET key to terminal which can be seen as unsafe. |
'' |
importstring |
importrandom |
from __future__ importprint_function |
# Get ascii Characters numbers and punctuation (minus quote characters as they could terminate string). |
chars='.join([string.ascii_letters, string.digits, string.punctuation]).replace(''', ').replace('', ').replace('', ') |
SECRET_KEY='.join([random.SystemRandom().choice(chars) foriinrange(50)]) |
print(SECRET_KEY) |
How Does Django Generate Secret Key Code
commented Oct 11, 2015
You should move |
commented Aug 9, 2016
I made pip installation to generate django secret key |
Simple Django application that adds a new command:
This will generate a new file secretkey.txt
containing a random Django secretkey. In your production settings file, replace the hardcoded key by:
Flask Secret Key
You can avoid hardcoding the path of the key by using:
You can install this package from PyPi:
Then you will need to add it to the Django's INSTALLED_APPS setting:
You can now use
Run this command once in your local environment, and every time you deploy your app (on the remote host), to make sure the file exists.