Windows 7 Bitlocker Recovery Key Generator Hp Elitebook 840

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  1. Windows 7 Bitlocker Recovery Key Generator Hp Elitebook 840 G1
  2. Microsoft Bitlocker Recovery Key
  3. What Is Bitlocker Recovery Key
  4. Bitlocker Recovery Key Windows 10
  5. Windows 7 Bitlocker Recovery Key Generator Hp Elitebook 840 G3
  6. Bitlocker Recovery Key Lost

Running Windows 7 Repair on a bitlocker encrypted volume A file needed for Windows startup got corrupted so it's telling me to boot from my Windows 7 CD. That's fine and dandy but when I boot into the repair CD the Windows installation is invisible because it is bitlocker encrypted. HP EliteBook 840 G4 BitLocker key each boot. Says 2 do and see the same Hp elitebook 840 with windows 7. However u want and then only have about 10 minutes b4 it.

Learning has never been so easy!

Sometimes BitLocker recovery gets tripped and goes into a never-ending boot loop. I've seen this with UEFI and laptops with mSATA cache drives. This will stop the BitLocker request on boot, allowing you to get to the OS and troubleshoot.

You will need the recovery key to complete these steps.

5 Steps total

Step 1: Enter the Boot Loop

Windows 7 Bitlocker Recovery Key Generator Hp Elitebook 840 G1

Yes - let it loop. We need to get past the recovery screen. Once at the recovery screen, 'skip this drive'


Step 2: Enter Advanced Options

Once skipped enter the advanced options screen:
Advanced Options > Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt

Step 3: Double check the drive status

Manage-bde -status c:
Should return BDE Active (or similar)

Microsoft Bitlocker Recovery Key

Step 4: Unlock the drive

Manage-bde -unlock c: -rp

Step 5: Disable drive protection on boot

Manage-bde -protectors -disable c:

What Is Bitlocker Recovery Key

This stops the drive form asking for encryption password during next boot

This squirts the key into BDE, unlocks the drive and disables it for next boot, bypassing the boot loop, enabling you to fully manage BDE once Windows has booted.

Sorry there's no pictures for this one!


Bitlocker Recovery Key Windows 10

  • Issues Resulting in Bitlocker Recovery Mode and Their Resolution

Windows 7 Bitlocker Recovery Key Generator Hp Elitebook 840 G3


Bitlocker Recovery Key Lost

  • Datil
    BMoore Nov 13, 2015 at 07:14pm

    I also ran into this several times and will have to try your method next time.
    I would just open bitlocker 'Manage Bitlocker' and pause protection.
    open bitlocker 'Manage Bitlocker' and Resume Protection
    and this resolved it.

  • Thai Pepper
    joseespitia Dec 15, 2015 at 09:53pm

    I can second that @Bmoore! Doing this will fix the boot loop 90% of the time.

  • Pimiento
    Erick9244 Aug 29, 2016 at 03:25pm

    I'm having an interesting issue with one of my users. I found the 'disable' fix via googling and it allowed us back into the machine. However, when we turned bitlocker back on. Net 4.7 machine key generator. It went back into the loop. I found the following commands and I was wondering if anyone had experience with using them in this scenario:

    Manage-bde –protectors –delete C: -type TPM

    Manage-bde –protectors – add C: -tpm

    Also, my user had some windows updates that some how triggered this.

  • Pimiento
    juleskrickl Mar 22, 2017 at 09:41am

    Worked not to bad for me! Unfurtunally i couldn´t boot anyway, but now i was able to backup the files.
    THX to LWBM

  • Anaheim
    ArtisanInAK Oct 30, 2017 at 11:23pm

    This was great! Worked perfectly for me. I apparently didn't know the local admin password for the machine I was working on here, so getting to the command prompt involved using a Win10 thumb drive to use as a recovery disk, which will let you into the command prompt without knowing the local admin password. It was smart enough to detect the system drive as encrypted with BitLocker and prompted me for the recovery key as I was dropping into the command prompt, so I didn't need to unlock from the command line. Just brought the shields down, rebooted and was able to log in with a domain admin account. Reset my local admin account password, resumed bitlocker and all was good.


  • Pimiento
    imchriskeele Mar 15, 2018 at 01:38am

    I have a surface 3
    after booting it sends me to bitlocker recovery screen, asking me to enter key no matter what i do it takes me to the

    'recovery' page

    Your PC/Dvice needs to be repaired
    A required file couldn't be accessed because your Bitlocker key wasn't loaded correctly

    Error code 0xc0210000

    You'll need to use recovery tools.. etc

    can anyone help?

  • Pimiento
    joelm5 May 17, 2018 at 09:20pm

    What if I do not have the recovery Key? I am not able to proceed without it?

  • Pimiento
    TheDimSide Aug 23, 2018 at 06:59pm

    I got to step 4 to unlock it, but it said that the syntax was incorrect. So I couldn't get any farther. Suggestions?

  • Pimiento
    spicehead-itdag Sep 22, 2018 at 02:33pm

    got to step 4 also couldnt go on wouldnt let me

  • Pimiento
    spicehead-54i9y Nov 6, 2018 at 09:38am

    Does this still work? As if you choose skip this drive it won't show the encrypted C drive but just the recovery C drive.

    EDIT -

    Appears on my setup the encrypt C drive gets the letter D when trying to do recovery.

  • Pimiento
    Tiffany4128 May 30, 2019 at 04:48pm

    Thank you - this worked great! For those getting the syntax error on step four leave out the <> before and after the key. Just enter the key on it's own. Also - the drive letter for me was d: rather than c.

  • Pimiento
    spicehead-8sjpm Jun 1, 2019 at 07:25pm

    This worked but now I am unable to use the password for unlocking BitLocker. Systems accepts the password and then hangs on Windows logo.

    Unlocking with Recover key works every time.

    Any ideas?

  • Pimiento
    spicehead-zaopj Jul 26, 2019 at 09:56am

    Gosh, I don't know how to thank you. I lost all my hope when I saw that the bitlocker recovery is looping but you made my day :) Thanks thanks thanks thanks

  • Pimiento
    spicehead-he2wo Jan 23, 2020 at 05:23am

    Hi all,

    After resuming protection, and after restart again it is going to preparing bitlocker recovery loop..any suggestions??