Key Quest Token Code Generator

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Neocash Item - This item was either sold in the NC Mall, obtained from an NC event, or came from another NC item.; Special - This is the official type for this item on Neopets. How to generate an API Token? Open the drop-down menu on your account name and click on Credentials. To generate a new token, click on Generate new token in the Tokens section of the page. The Access Key and the Secret Key will show on your screen. Take a note of the Secret Key as it will not be recoverable. Dark-ro Token Quest. To Do Token Quest. @warp prtin 161 171. Talk to guild leader ( Pay him 200,000,000 (200m) ) to be an official treasure hunter. Then talk to quest manager to take a quest. To check your current points and/or trade your points.

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Generate an access token and refresh token that you can use to call our resource APIs.

This API endpoint returns a response that includes status, which is not standard for OAuth 2.0, and which does not work with out-of-the-box OAuth 2.0 clients. We continue to support this endpoint, but recommend that for new development you use the Generate Tokens v2 API.

For an overview of the authorization flow, see Authorizing Resource API Calls.

Once generated, an access token is valid for 10 hours.

An access token has a rate limit of 5,000 calls per hour. If an access token surpasses this limit, API calls will return an error. After the hour has passed, the count will be reset to a full 5,000 available calls.

Call the Get Rate Limit API to view current rate limits for an access token. Alternatively, you can find rate limit values in the response header for a resource API call.

Resource URL

Header Parameters




Set to client_id:<client_id>, client_secret:<client_secret>.

For details about getting a client ID and client secret, see API Credentials.




Set to application/json.

Request Parameter




Set to client_credentials.

Sample Request Body

Sample Response

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 404 Not Found

Typically, the following error means that your grant_type value is incorrect. The grant_type in your request body must be set to client_credentials. See Sample Request Body above for an example.

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Typically, the following error means that your Authorization header value is missing or incorrectly formatted. The Authorization header format must be: client_id:<client_id>, client_secret:<client_secret>.

Typically, this error means that your client_id and/or client_secret values are invalid.

Typically, this error means that you are using the incorrect method. Ensure that you are making a POST.

Response Elements

access_tokenMalwarebytes generate license key 2017.

Provides the requested access token. You can use this token to call our resource APIs.


Time at which the access token was generated.


Indicates that the generated access token expires in 36,000 seconds, 600 minutes, or 10 hours.

An expired access token cannot be used to make resource API calls, but it can still be used along with its associated refresh token to call the Refresh Tokens API.


Provides the refresh token that is uniquely paired with the access token. You can use this token to request a refresh to its associated access token.

It will take you not more than 10 minutes to complete the finding. The steps required are given below. Product key generator for windows xp professional sp2.

For more information about refreshing access tokens, see Refresh Tokens.


Indicates that the generated access token is a bearer token.


Account ID associated with the API credentials used to generate the token.

Postman Collection

Replace sample variables indicated by {{ }} with your actual values.

Download for the OAuth 2.0 Tokens API

Key Quest Token Code Generator Free

Sample Code


Replace sample values indicated by < > with your actual values.


See Get Access Token and Users.


See Work with OAuth 2.0 Tokens, Users, and Roles.

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