Generate Ssh Key Jenkins Windows

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Go to Windows Start menu → All Programs → PuTTY → PuTTYgen. Creating a new key pair for authentication. To create a new key pair, select the type of key to generate from the bottom of the screen (using SSH-2 RSA with 2048 bit key size is good for most people; another good well-known alternative is ECDSA). file is your public key, and the other file is the corresponding private key. If you don’t have these files (or you don’t even have a.ssh directory), you can create them by running a program called ssh-keygen, which is provided with the SSH package on Linux/macOS systems and comes with Git for Windows.

  1. Generate Ssh Key Jenkins Windows 10
  2. Generate Ssh Key Jenkins Windows 8
  3. Jenkins Windows Generate Ssh Key

Nov 26, 2018 How to use SSH keys with Windows on Azure.; 6 minutes to read +2; In this article. This article describes ways to generate and use secure shell (SSH) keys on a Windows computer to create and connect to a Linux virtual machine (VM) in Azure.


This quickstart shows how to install Jenkins on an Ubuntu Linux VM with the tools and plug-ins configured to work with Azure. When you're finished, you have a Jenkins server running in Azure building a sample Java app from GitHub.


  • An Azure subscription
  • Access to SSH on your computer's command line (such as the Bash shell or PuTTY)

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

Create the Jenkins VM from the solution template

Jenkins supports a model where the Jenkins server delegates work to one or more agents to allow a single Jenkins installation to host a large number of projects or to provide different environments needed for builds or tests. The steps in this section guide you through installing and configuring a Jenkins server on Azure.

  1. In your browser, open the Azure Marketplace image for Jenkins.

  2. Select GET IT NOW.

  3. After reviewing the pricing details and terms information, select Continue.

  4. Select Create to configure the Jenkins server in the Azure portal.

  5. In the Basics tab, specify the following values:

    • Name - Enter Jenkins.

    • User name - Enter the user name to use when signing in to the virtual machine on which Jenkins is running. The user name must meet specific requirements.

    • Authentication type - Select SSH public key.

    • SSH public key - Copy and paste an RSA public key in single-line format (starting with ssh-rsa) or multi-line PEM format. You can generate SSH keys using ssh-keygen on Linux and macOS, or PuTTYGen on Windows. For more information about SSH keys and Azure, see the article, How to Use SSH keys with Windows on Azure.

    • Subscription - Select the Azure subscription into which you want to install Jenkins.

    • Resource group - Select Create new, and enter a name for the resource group that serves as a logical container for the collection of resources that make up your Jenkins installation.

    • Location - Select East US.

  6. Select OK to proceed to the Additional Settings tab.

  7. In the Additional Settings tab, specify the following values:

    • Size - Select the appropriate sizing option for your Jenkins virtual machine.

    • VM disk type - Specify either HDD (hard-disk drive) or SSD (solid-state drive) to indicate which storage disk type is allowed for the Jenkins virtual machine.

    • Virtual network - (Optional) Select Virtual network to modify the default settings.

    • Subnets - Select Subnets, verify the information, and select OK.

    • Public IP address - The IP address name defaults to the Jenkins name you specified in the previous page with a suffix of -IP. You can select the option to change that default.

    • Domain name label - Specify the value for the fully qualified URL to the Jenkins virtual machine.

    • Jenkins release type - Select the desired release type from the options: LTS, Weekly build, or Azure Verified. The LTS and Weekly build options are explained in the article, Jenkins LTS Release Line. The Azure Verified option refers to a Jenkins LTS version that has been verified to run on Azure.

    • JDK Type - JDK to be installed. Default is Zulu tested, certified builds of OpenJDK.

  8. Select OK to proceed to the Integration Settings tab.

  9. In the Integration Settings tab, specify the following values:

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    • Service Principal - The service principal is added into Jenkins as a credential for authentication with Azure. Auto means that the principal will be created by MSI (Managed Service Identity). Manual means that the principal should be created by you.
      • Application ID and Secret - If you select the Manual option for the Service Principal option, you'll need to specify the Application ID and Secret for your service principal. When creating a service principal, note that the default role is Contributor, which is sufficient for working with Azure resources.
    • Enable Cloud Agents - Specify the default cloud template for agents where ACI refers to Azure Container Instance, and VM refers to virtual machines. You can also specify No if you don't wish to enable a cloud agent.
  10. Select OK to proceed to the Summary tab.

  11. When the Summary tab displays, the information entered is validated. Once you see the Validation passed message (at the top of the tab), select OK.

  12. When the Create tab displays, select Create to create the Jenkins virtual machine. When your server is ready, a notification displays in the Azure portal.

Connect to Jenkins

Navigate to your virtual machine (for example, in your web browser. The Jenkins console is inaccessible through unsecured HTTP so instructions are provided on the page to access the Jenkins console securely from your computer using an SSH tunnel.

Set up the tunnel using the ssh command on the page from the command line, replacing username with the name of the virtual machine admin user chosen earlier when setting up the virtual machine from the solution template.

After you have started the tunnel, navigate to http://localhost:8080/ on your local machine.

Get the initial password by running the following command in the command line while connected through SSH to the Jenkins VM.

Unlock the Jenkins dashboard for the first time using this initial password.

Select Install suggested plugins on the next page and then create a Jenkins admin user used to access the Jenkins dashboard.

The Jenkins server is now ready to build code.

Create your first job

Select Create new jobs from the Jenkins console, then name it mySampleApp and select Freestyle project, then select OK.

Select the Source Code Management tab, enable Git, and enter the following URL in Repository URL field:

Select the Build tab, then select Add build step, Invoke Gradle script. Select Use Gradle Wrapper, then enter complete in Wrapper location and build for Tasks.

Generate Ssh Key Jenkins Windows 10

Select Advanced and then enter complete in the Root Build script field. Select Save.

Generate Ssh Key Jenkins Windows 8

Build the code

Select Build Now to compile the code and package the sample app. When your build completes, select the Workspace link for the project.

Navigate to complete/build/libs and ensure the gs-spring-boot-0.1.0.jar is there to verify that your build was successful. Your Jenkins server is now ready to build your own projects in Azure.

Jenkins Windows Generate Ssh Key

Troubleshooting the Jenkins solution template

If you encounter any bugs with the Jenkins solution template, file an issue in the Jenkins GitHub repo.

Next Steps